We are a learning community.
Wellbeing Team
The KSPS Wellbeing Team is a group of people who provide support to students in a variety of ways to ensure that everyone can engage in their schooling and achieve their best.

The school’s Cultural Coordinator supports students and families across the school to participate in all aspects of education, not only academics, but sport, dance, social and emotional learning. The Cultural Coordinator facilitates our Cultural Education Program for all students and works with classes to enhance their understanding and appreciation of our rich local culture. The program covers topics like bush tucker, sustainability, Aboriginal art and language, looking after the land to more complex understandings like reconciliation and the stolen generation. The Cultural Coordinator is pivotal in maintaining student attendance above 85% through strong partnerships with the attendance team.
The position is very organic and responsive to student need; it can involve a whole range of activities and services from the boys Yarning Circle, the Breakfast Program, and linking with outside service agencies such as Jawoyn to achieve the best outcomes for our students.
The role of the Defence Service Mentor (DSM) is to provide support for our Defence students to integrate into a new school and community by monitoring their social/emotional and academic wellbeing. Support for students and their families at time of posting, deployment or long absences due to training schedules is important for the continued engagement of our students in their education. The DSM coordinates activities for our students during lunch breaks, encouraging our defence students to join in and bring friends to help develop positive relationships and connections between students. The DSM also spends time in classrooms helping our students with their academic learning.
The School Counsellor Service is provided by the Department of Education for those students in need, we are very fortunate to have direct access to the counsellor on site one day a week. The school counsellor works one-on-one with students and families to support their social/emotional wellbeing. This service is only available with parent/carer consent, forms are available through your child’s class teacher or the front office.