We are a learning community.

The Katherine South Rugby Academy (Est. 2016) is an engagement focused sporting program for primary year’s students. Students nominate to participate and sign behaviour and attendance contracts in order to participate in this program. Nominated students from year 4-6 will participate in programs all year round, whilst year 3 students will begin joining in on Academy programs during Term 4. In its first year the KSPS Rugby Academy had 30 students from Years 5-6, it currently has 60 students from Year 4-6 involved.
Academy sessions consist of skills based training and fitness, broken into boys, girls and mixed groups, sport specific training (Touch, League, league tag and touch rugby union) and intraschool round robin competitions (touch, viva7s rugby and league tag.)
Sessions run during recess and lunch times with special sessions including visits from the Parramatta Eels, gala days and sporting trips occurring during core teaching time (these will be well notified in advance.) Some of the big events on the Rugby Academy Calendar each year include the Katherine Region Luke Kelly Cup (Rugby League Tournament), All Schools Touch Football Tournament, Eels Medal (Prior to NRL game at TIO Stadium), Harmony Day All-stars Touch Game and the Katherine Region League Tag Tournament (Organised and hosted by Katherine South Primary School).